Brian Boru's Ireland is all about the history of how people lived hundreds of years ago.

The exhibits feature hand crafted items and demonstrations. This is a metal smith hammering out some copper.

Steve Wolfe and Sue Wartell

Recently used treen

Speaking of treen, there was a demonstration of turning using a pole lathe. This is a tricky bit of turning because the turner has to pump the treadle to get the pole to swing up and down.

That action makes the spindle turn as the rope is wound around the piece. I'll take my Stubby 750 any day over this, but that's the way it used to be in old Ireland.

I liked the shade cloth. . .

Here's a young lad teaching a lass how to grind flour.

That's quite a mortar and pestle, eh?

Another part of the cultural exhibit is the musical instrument vendor's tent.

Michael Burke makes some excellent tin whistles.

Michael Vignoles sells bodhrans.

Every year at the festival there is a sand sculptor who works throughout the weekend to complete a themed sculpture. It would be blazingly hot out there in the sun, but the maker shades himself on the sunward side. . .

and enjoys the cooler temps of the shady side.

I was able to watch a bit more of The StepCrew set on Saturday afternoon.

They sure do have a good show. I recommend it to anyone who has an opportunity to see them in concert.

Dan Stacey

I did feel sorry for them with the hot temps - it must be hard to stay hydrated when they work so hard on stage.

Megan was stage manager on the Trinity stage on Saturday afternoon.

My favorite band of the festival this year was Slide. They were amazing musicians and it was a real treat to see Daire Bracken bounce around the stage. He has springs in his feet and I'm amazed he can play so well whilst imitating Tigger of Winnie the Pooh.

He must burn several thousand calories during each performance.

The songs they performed were from their most recent CD.

Eamonn plays flute, keyboards and bodhran. I enjoyed meeting him and he helped me with the pronunciation of my solo CD title, An Obair.

The definition of "cool."

The bouzouki player wore a forearm guard.

Charlene Adzima and Josh, backstage enjoying the show.

T-I-double Guh - Er!

It was a fantastic set. I hope some of my readers had a chance to see the show.
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