The Western Cape Woodturners meet in a hobby club in the Pinelands of Cape Town. They share a dedicated building with some other craft groups. I was so impressed that they have a dedicated facility with a well-equipped shop. They meet on Wednesday evenings - once per month for a regular club meeting, and the other weeks for hands-on mentoring or special sessions. They're a great group of turners and I love it when I can find time in my field season to make a visit.

Dennis Laidler is a good friend and talented turner who is worth keeping an eye on. I helped the club out at an event at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.

Here I'm having a go on the Record minilathe, which was pretty challenging to use. Dennis has since upgraded to a Stubby Lathe, but this little lathe is pretty convenient for packing and hauling. I can't believe I had such long hair! I keep it pretty short these days.

These are some turners from Knysna, which is on the south coast, and a very lovely place to visit. L to R: Grant Marshall, Dave Stephensen, Dennis Marshall (Grant's father). They have a gallery called "The Natural Edge," which is a co-op shared by these turners and including Mike Kaplan.

Here's one of Grant's oak vessels. I have one similar to this in my private collection.
Hey Andi, these pics bring back many happy memories, D
Dennis - for me, too. I have a lot of pics from my visits to South Africa that I need to post at some time. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in October.
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