Last weekend we had temps in the 60's and sunshine for a birding trip to The Wilds (I'll post on that tomorrow). This morning we woke up to a foot of snow and more coming for a total of about 20 inches. We were having a blizzard!

I would have preferred that this would have come earlier in the season. I'm ready for spring now, but NO! We have to have a huge snow storm in March.

I enjoy the snow, but I'm not too happy about the roof at the moment. I thought all the leaks had been solved, but we're still having problems. Arrrrrgh! I don't want to call those roofers again - what a hassle this has been.

Steve was a trooper all day - clearing our driveway and two of our neighbor's driveways as well.

Yep - that's a fair bit of snow for this time of year.

Steve filled the bird feeders, too. The birds were very happy about that as were the squirrels.

We had a flock of about 60 red-winged blackbirds in our yard at one time today.

White-throated sparrow.

Same sparrow with a robin.

The robin was eating seed from the feeder as well as suet. Wasn't expecting it to be eating seed, but with the snow I guess it was extra hungry today.

Emma loves snow! You can see a lot of pics from today on her blog. She's a snow dog!
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