Northern Cardinal

A pair of them.

Carolina Chickadee

White-breasted nuthatch

Chickadees putting on a display

This time of year they have plenty to say.

Red-belly woodpecker

Hmmmmm - the beavers are coming up from the river to munch on some trees.
Jack-of-all-trades, master of some pretty much describes my life. This blog has several themes: wood turning, photography, travel, science, fieldwork, family, friends, music, and miscellaneous things I encounter. I hope you enjoy it - feel free to leave a comment to let me know you've been here.
An Obair is my solo album, featuring my bandmates in Aisling, the music of O'Carolan, Irish dance tunes, some original compositions, and some nice vocals. The Pilgrim's Road is Aisling's latest CD with some great arrangements of Irish tunes, original compositions, and songs.
could be my screen, but it appears that the focal point is just a wee-bit in front of the birds.
It's probably operator error - I need to figure out how to set my camera up to have only one dot in the AF area. The pics that were taken with AF did focus on the feeder rather than the bird. The pics of the ones in the bushes I focused manually, and was able to pick up the bird rather than the background or foreground.
Thanks for the comment - I'll spend some time with the manual.
what incredibly beautiful creatures -- thanks for the pics
You're very welcome!
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