Here's my good friend, John Wessels, from South Africa. He made his debut as an AAW demonstrator this year. He did rotations on turning cast pewter (shown here) and doing pewter inlay work. I enjoyed watching John demonstrate. He's sassy!

Marilyn Campbell was the center of attention here. She was being recorded for the Symposium video series. Marilyn was demonstrating her epoxy techniques.

Emmett Kane from Ireland was doing surface enhancement techniques.

Andrea Martel (Canada) was turning thin-walled vessels from green wood.

David Nittmann had a lot of 2-D work on the walls as well.

Meanwhile, back in the instant gallery, Jacques Vesery was chatting with Derek Weidmann and his wife.

Derek Weidmann received a Collegiate Award for his multi-axis, carved figure.

I stopped by the craft room to see what was going on there and found a carving demonstration taking place.

Here are some of the carvings on display.

L to R: Michael Hosaluk, Albert LeCoff and Garry Knox Bennett, visiting in the instant gallery.

Early afternoon activity in the instant gallery on Saturday afternoon included the gathering up of the auction donations that would be in the live auction at the banquet.

Jack Slentz received an Excellence Award for his carved disc.

Medallions by David Nittmann

Some interesting multi-axis turnings by Eli Aviserra.

Another Excellence Award was given to Charles Faucher.

Satoshi Fujinuma

Satoshi Fujinama

I had the last rotation of the day to do a coloring demo. Here's my supply set-up.

And, here I am, ready to go.

As soon as I finished my demo, I hurried back to my hotel room to freshen up for the AAW banquet.
Here is collector David Wahl, modeling his wife's handbag.

Jean François Escoulen waving to me from across the room.

Always a huge crowd for the banquet.

Auction donations lined up and ready to go.

Hmmm, there seems to be a recurring theme of Jacques Vesery consuming bottles of wine at the AAW symposium. Jacques, is there something we should know????
Alain Mailland is on the left and Pascal Oudet on the right. Maybe Jacques was just trying to be one of the French guys for the night.

One of the highlights of the evening was David Ellsworth presenting Merryll Saylan with the POP Merit award. I think you can tell from this photo that there is a long standing friendship between these talented artists.

Merryll was delighted with the award she was given.

It was a custom-made trophy turned and painted by Mark Sfirri.
Front. . .

. . . and back.

The most heartwarming event of the banquet was a touching speech given by former AAW president Phil Brennion, who has been heroic in his recovery from a debilitating back injury that has resulted in paralysis. The AAW set up a rehabilitation fund for Phil and he thanked the membership in person. It was so great to see him at the symposium this year.

John Hill did most of the evening's auction, but when his voice gave out, the pinch hitter stepped in. This was Rob Wallace's debut as an AAW auctioneer.

And, finally, no evening of the AAW symposium would be complete without the night cap in the hotel bar.
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