The first booth I encountered upon entering the trade show was Bill Rubenstein's Stubby Lathe USA. Bill was there with his daughter this year. I own a Stubby 750 - one of the best lathes in the world. I really, really love this machine - quiet, well-engineered, no fuss, and it has a small footprint. Perfect for my basement shop.

John Jordan and Dan Bailey.

I have no idea what John Jordan said to this woman, but it must have been hilarious!

Front, right - my academic colleague and friend, Rob Wallace.

L to R: Bill Rubenstein and Johannes Michelson.

My favorite trade show encounter was this young man, Will Foresman. He was working at Don Pencil's tradeshow booth. Don had found me wandering by and told me there was a young man who would really like to meet me. So, the expression on Will's face was as shown here.
"You're Andi Wolfe???? WOW!!!!! I'm a HUGE fan of yours!"

Well, flattery like that is worth a picture together, don't you think? Thanks, Will!

Jimmy Clewes made a lot of shavings on the tradeshow floor.

A close look at Cindy Drozda's tool set. She was demonstrating at the Packard Woodworking Supplies booth.

My favorite sign in the trade show. "Buy more, get more!" Amazing how that works.

Steve Worcester (the guy who made that pink sign above" with Mark Baker - turner extrordinaire and current editor of the UK journal, Woodturning.

Curt Theobald with his lovely daughter.

My favorite picture of Alain Mailland. He had moved his sculpture over to the "fragile" table and set it up correctly. He's holding his postcard that shows the correct orientation. Previously, it was on another table, laying on its back.

Youth turning awards.

An interesting display of Bob Rolling's femispheres. I think that is Joel Rakower admiring the display.

An interesting something or other by Robert Bagley

Tucker Garrison piece - I liked this one a lot!

A two-part mask by Keith Holt.

Cindy Drozda's work. She secured this with a lot of sticky discs.

The collaborative challenge entry by the Dallas Area Woodturners won big time.

Another view of that winning collaboration.

Chicago Woodturners collaboration

Trent Bosch - I really like these new pieces!

Bill Smith

Curt Theobald has such interesting segmented forms. I always enjoy seeing these shapes.

Sharon Doughtie was another Excellence Award recipient.

Wes Loukota had some interesting work, also.

Douglas Jones and Kim Kulan-Jones received an Excellence Award. The use of materials in these pieces was very interesting.

Jean François Escoulen was the artist-in-resident for this year's symposium.

Pascal Oudet received a Purchase Award for his sandblasted egg-shaped hollow-form.

Michael Hosaluk worked with rawhide on this piece. He turned a form, wrapped it in rawhide, bound it, unwrapped and bent it. Another Excellence Award recipient.

One of the PoP panel discussions was "Whose turn is it anyway?" - organized by Michael Mocho and including Betty Scarpino, Joe Seltzer, and Jack Slentz. It was intersting - talking about how turning includes a diversity of techniques, materials, and interpretations.

Art Mason (center) paid close attention to the discussion.

Albert Lecoff of the Wood Turning Center was also in attendance.

On my way to lunch, after the PoP panel discussion I attended, I spotted this demonstration on weaving, sponsored by the Crafts room. In addition to the wood turning rotations and panel discussions, there's a craft room that has a variety of demonstrations. It gives attending spouses a break from having to sit through wood turning demos.
More pictures from Saturday morning are here:
FB-2009 AAW Symposium, Saturday Part I
FB-2009 AAW Symposium, Saturday Part II
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