Thursday is always for registration and getting reacquainted with friends not seen for a while. It's also a good time to put stuff into the instant gallery, and, for demonstrators, time to set up the room where they will be demonstrating. I had four rotations scheduled this year - two on coloring techniques and two on surface enhancement techniques.

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." - Lao Tzu, No. 5 (redwood burl, 5 inches diameter).
"Parturition" No. 2 - Afzelia burl
"Bowl Anatomy 101" - pear.

I put these three older pieces in as examples of some of the coloring and surface enhancement techniques I would be demonstrating.

I took the opportunity to get some photos of some of the other pieces in the gallery that evening. I couldn't spend a lot of time taking photos Thursday, but it's about the only time I would have to walk through before the crowds came in so I did what I could.
This one is by Alain Mailland from France - one of my absolute favorite artists in contemporary wood turning. His work is amazingly creative and always pushes the limits of the medium.

This is another sculpture by Alain Mailland.

Three beautiful hollow form sculptures by J. Paul Fennell. The details on each of these pieces are wonderful. I can't wait to see what Paul comes up with next.

An egg for contemplation by Jacques Vesery. Jacques didn't have a lot of work to display this year, but he had a very good excuse after having a bit of a mishap with a bandsaw earlier in the year. He's fine now, but he's still missing some feeling in the fingertips. Ouch!

Wood and pewter inlay by John Wessels from South Africa. John made his AAW demonstrating debut this year with six rotations.

A whimsical teapot by Michael Hosaluk (Canada).

Pascal Oudet (France) made his demonstrating debut at AAW this year, also. His work is delicate and sandblasted to perfection. He uses oak very effectively in these forms.

Classic John Jordan. I never get tired of looking at these carved hollow forms.

Dale Larsen is making some of the most beautiful salad bowls out there. You want to pick these up and pet them.

Classy hollow forms from a classy guy - David Ellsworth.

A walk on the wild side from my favorite young artist - Derek Weidmann. Derek has such a creative imagination - you have to really study these multi-axis sculptures to fully appreciate the stories he's telling in the work.

Art Liestman is making some very interesting forms these days, also. His tea pots all have "attitude."

J. Paul Fennell, standing next to his instant gallery display. Paul was also a demonstrator this year.
By the time I ran into Paul in the instant gallery, it was almost time for the demonstrator's dinner. We met up with some friends for some liquid refreshment before dinner (I had a lemonade - yes, really!).

My favorite ex-Aussie; well, once an Aussie, always an Aussie, I suppose - Phil Irons.

Phil's outback hat - doesn't that look as if it belongs in the outback?

David Ellsworth

After the demonstrator's dinner, there was a fun presentation put on by Terry Martin and Jacques Vesery. It was a slide show from events such as Emma Lake and the symposia in France organized by Jean François Escoulen.
You'll have to ask Jacques why he was drinking wine from the bottle through a straw.

It was a delightful, and sometimes risque, presentation. The room was in stitches most of the evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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