Friday, May 05, 2006
Robins grow very fast!

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Jack-of-all-trades, master of some pretty much describes my life. This blog has several themes: wood turning, photography, travel, science, fieldwork, family, friends, music, and miscellaneous things I encounter. I hope you enjoy it - feel free to leave a comment to let me know you've been here.
An Obair is my solo album, featuring my bandmates in Aisling, the music of O'Carolan, Irish dance tunes, some original compositions, and some nice vocals. The Pilgrim's Road is Aisling's latest CD with some great arrangements of Irish tunes, original compositions, and songs.
i have mourning doves on-top of my spray booth on the covered deck(second clutch for the season).
it's the 'animal channel' for the cats, who sit on-top the kitty-condo (3ft away with a sliding-glass door in-between) ...
it's such a joy to watch the parents take care of the 'family', and these doves are quite neat and clean.
my job is to keep the cats from escaping.
That must be very entertaining, e. I'm just glad Emma can't see these chicks - her hunting instincts sure do kick in when she sees wildlife.
The chicks are starting to exercise their wings a bit. We'll have to keep an eye out for them to make sure they get back into the nest if they fall out. One chick was perched on the side of the nest yesterday.
Emma's cousin, The "Pointy-Earred-One" (aka 'The Master'), only hunts down large bodies of water-- in his last life, he was a dolphin.
The dove chicks were ready to fly by the time they emerged from underneath mom's feathers...it happened so fast!
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