Here's Graeme at the Wexner Center breezeway. This is one of my favorite public art spaces on the OSU campus.
The Wegman exhibit was very interesting – a multimedia extravaganza with collages, decoupage, video, painting, and photography all part of Wegman's legacy. I always thought of Wegman in terms of the 20X24 Weimaraner compositions. Those were on exhibit, certainly, but I was amazed at the other work, too.
The Monet exhibit was good, too, but more of what I had expected as compared to the exhibit at the Wexner.

Avis Unda by Charrisa Brock

Evening song by Renee Harris

Cascade by Carole Cole

Pot spheres by Suzanne Shafer-Wilson

Baskets by Elaine Small

Moving right along by Leah Danberg

Migration by Tressa Sularz

Vortex by Jo Stealey

Promises and Dancing by Carol Eckert

A view of the exhibit

Another view of the exhibit

Meditation on circles and squares by Joe Stealey

Existence 9 by Jiro Yonezawa

Red dots by Joanne Russo
I was intrigued by the buttons and beads on this basket.

A detail view

Quiet standing by Charissa Brock
I loved the use of the bamboo cross sections in this composition

Two sea forms by Wendy Ellsworth. Her bead sculptures are fun to explore.

It was a perfect autumn day - cool and sunny with the sky a brilliant blue. The trees were just about to their peak color, too.

I'll include a few of my foliage pics for you to get a sense of what we saw.

We walked the perimeter trails and saw the maple forest on the north side and then the oak/hickory/beech patch on the south side of the park.

I don't think this was too bad a display, despite our extended summer.

It was neat to see the sun shining through the trees - very peaceful, and it was fun to do some birding along our walk as well as taking in the colors.

Ahhhhhh - what a beautiful scene. We had a lovely afternoon and it was great to cap off this day with a fantastic chamber music concert at the Southern Theater. The St. Lawrence quartet performed with clarinetist Todd Palmer.
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