Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Working hands

For some reason I like to photograph hands at work. Maybe it's because I enjoy working with my hands and am interested in what others are doing - making objects, playing instruments, exploring the world around us. Here's a series of photographs of hands.  The image above is of Colm Delaney's hands while he's playing concertina.

Dublin Irish Festival - Killashandra

Debbie from Killashandra playing harp at the Dublin Irish Festival 2010.

What you do when you have no pockets

Another one from Dublin Irish Festival 2010.

Stone carver at Dublin Irish Festival

A stone carver at the Dublin Irish Festival 2010.

Lathe work

Michael Hosaluk at the lathe.

Seeing with One's Hands

Exploration of a Bill Luce bowl by a blind man; AAW symposium 2011.

AAW symposium: session with the blind

Session with the blind at AAW symposium 2011.

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