Two images to show the open segmented forms of Bill Smith. Bill uses a lot of purple heart and holly in his work.

This one is very interesting and I would have liked to have seen the process of assembly and design that went into it.

Beautiful work from Binh Pho.

A banjo made by Charles Nall. I'm not sure what components were turned on this project because I couldn't really inspect it all that closely.

Stuart Batty signature pieces.

Marilyn Campbell - holly and epoxy.

Cindy Drozda and David Nittmann collaborations.

David Nittmann

David Brown - maple and glass

Al Stirt

Tim Heil

Andrew Osborne - this kind of reminded me of the masking that Graeme Priddle uses to burn his designs around. I wonder if Andrew has seen Graeme in action. I liked the overall effect of the pyrography and coloring.

Wayne Fitch and Ralph Watts

Steve Sinner

Tiberio Yepes - this was one of my favorites in the instant gallery.

I think the future of turning is in good hands. It's nice to see so many entries from our young turners.

Larry Hasiak

Fishing lures by Emory McLoughlin

Craig Timmerman - Star Trek characters? I'm not quite sure what to make of this entry.

Jennifer Shirley - lovely texture and color combination.

Robert Nelson - this was a very nice variation on a goblet motif.

Another of my favorites - Eli Avisera is branching out!

Jon Shrader

Dewey Garrett

Jim Syvertsen - very Drozda-like

Emmet Kane

James McClure - I wonder if the presentation would have been better for the bowl to be on top of the blank cut out. . .

Tom Crabb - Another of my instant gallery favorites.

Irene Grafert - I never did see Irene at the symposium. I wonder where she was all weekend.

Keith Holt is doing some interesting masks. He turns the form on several centers and then carves the mask.

Johannes Michelson

Peter Hromek - very cool!

Attendees brought toys for a charity.

Mark Gardner

Ron Gerton had two wall-hangings with turnings as part of the design motif. His use of these word cut-outs is really intriguing and you have to spend some time really looking at each of his pieces.

Here's a bowl with a similar type of motif, and it's presented on Ron's bronze work.

Lyn Christiansen

Jerry Whitehurst

Jon Sauer

Ted Rudie & Heather Sefcheck

John H. Williams

Peter Rand

David Ellsworth

Dixie Biggs

Nick Agar

John Jordan

Tim Heil - a crib for a future woodturner

Satoshi Fujinuma

J. Paul Fennell. I had a picture of the piece on the left that was in progress from his demo to Central Ohio Woodturners. The one on the right is his latest version of the De La Mer series. The tight corners between the ridges and the piercings must have been a technical challenge. This one was another of my favorites from the instant gallery.

Bill Tilson is branching out a bit with his veneer bowl forms.

Another personal favorite - Tall boxes and sculptures by BenoĆt Averly

Whimsical pieces by Art Liestman

David Sengel

John Noffsinger

Avelino Samuel

Gorst duPlessis

David Marks - lovely patinations on metal foil

Mac Ray inspecting some spheres that have been labeled, "please touch."

Anthony Harris - an alien box that used porcupine quills. These look like the quills from a South African porcupine.

Boxes on the left by Alan Lacer, on the right by Mike Stafford.

My favorite boxes - by Matthew Hill. I won the bid on his auction entry, so I have one at home to join the other one I purchased several years ago.

It was great to see this in person. This was Pascal Oudet's entry to the AAW spring contest on spheres. I was the judge for that contest and I had selected this as the winner. The photo doesn't do it justice - it's a great piece.

Mary McKinney

Betty Scarpino

Harvey Fein

Jacques Vesery

John Wessels

Wood and glass by Steve Worcester

Gary Sanders

Bill Neddow

Ed Kelle

Richard Raffan

Stephen Hatcher

Rhapsody in Red by Jerry Bennett - another of my all-time favorites from this symposium.

Derek Weidman received an AAW purchase award - congratulations to Derek!

Ken Deaner
This was the first year for the AAW to have artists in residence during the symposium. This year's residents were Louise Hibbert and Sarah Parker Jones. They worked on a small radiolarian box that they then donated to the Saturday night auction.

Sarah does the metalwork for these collaborations and Louise does the turning, carving and surface enhancements.

There was a steady stream of onlookers, but not nearly as many as I had thought would be there. The location was off to one side of the huge room, and maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe it was because this was the first year and there weren't a lot of shavings being thrown off a lathe.

Here's Sarah and Louise enjoying themselves.

I did a quick walk-through part of the trade show on Friday afternoon as well. All of the major vendors have professional demonstrators. This booth featured Johannes Michelson.

He was busy, so I didn't stop to chat.

My favorite vendor - Vicky Jordan. She's always so cheerful and fun to visit.

Steve Worcester and his sanding packs

Curt Theobald's new family member. Wow!

The only other rotation I sat through, besides BenoĆt's morning one on French woodturning, was J. Paul Fennell's demonstration on shipping fragile work.

Paul gave a lot of good information about the details of packing materials and cardboard cartons and then demonstrated the correct way to pack a fragile piece. He used an egg.

After he threw the carton across the room, he unpacked the box to show that the egg hadn't broken. Someone thought it was a boiled egg, so Paul is offering to toss it to him.

Nope - it's a raw egg.
Andi, thanks so much for posting all these pictures. I'm really enjoying my 'visit' to Richmond
Dennis - I look forward to seeing you next year!
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