Some of the turners gather on the back patio to visit and eat their dessert.

J. Paul Fennell, Gigi Laidler, John Wessels (hidden) and Dennis Laidler reacting to some antics going on with the patio crowd.

It was probably something Dick Sing said (front, right). Next to Dick is Stuart Mortimer, then Cindy Sing, someone I've not met and Kirk DeHeer.

There's always a crowd in the basement rec room. Playing ping pong are: Stuart Batty and Mark Baker (l to r with backs to camera) and Jason Marlow and Kurt Hertzog.

There are a bunch of lookieloos, too.

Back in the corner on the air hockey game are Vaughn Richmond and Dixie Biggs. You better think twice before challenging Dixie to a game.

It was a lovely evening so most people stayed outside to enjoy the cool temps. This was a real respite from the typical weather we had during the symposium with temperatures approaching 100°F.

However, the competitive types stayed at the game tables. Ping pong was pretty popular all evening and the air hocky table stayed busy as well.

Michael Werner (back toward the camera) and Terry Scott played a few rounds of foos ball.

More spectators, including Kip Christensen coming down to photograph the happenings.

Dennis Laidler enjoyed seeing Kip's woodturning collection.

Allan Batty showed Jason Marlow one of his threaded boxes.

Allan Batty and Paul Fennell.

Jason Marlow and Dennis Laidler.

Here are our gracious hosts of the evening, Kip and Kim Christensen.
Thanks, Kip and Kim - it was a great evening spent with friends.

What in the world are these two up to?
Well, please take note of the extensive amount of perspiration present on Richard Raffan's shirt.

Johannes Rieber is demonstrating the proper technique for airing out.

There was a nice breeze coming around the corner of the house and these two decided they needed some help to cool off. I think Johannes must have had some dance training given the way he was moving. Can't say the same about Richard, though. . .

Richard makes up for his lack of dance expertise by wearing flashy socks.
Seems to me that I have a similar pic from a previous symposium.

Dennis brought the platter Richard had donated to the raffle, which Gigi won, for Richard to sign.

Back to the basement for more games - Michael Werner (L) and Jason Marlow (R) teaming up for ping pong.

Dennis Laidler (L) and David Nittmann (R) doing the same. This was the long haired, maroon shirt team.

"Who are you calling ugly???"

Oh, these two Aussies do know how to make nice. Vaughn Richmond (L) and Richard Raffan (R).

Add Terry Scott, a Kiwi, and you have a good sampling of some southern hospitality.
For pics and posts from previous Utah Woodturning symposia (2003 - 2006), you can do a search on "Utah" in the box at the top of this page.
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