Sunday, April 03, 2011

Huge project, almost there. . .

I've been working on a large piece for an exhibit that will take place in Ashville, NC over the summer. I started this several months ago; the day, in fact, that I received a call from John Hill inviting me to the exhibit and telling me that my piece should be about the size of a basketball. That's about 10 times the size scale I usually work in, so I knew it would be a challenge and a long-drawn out process.

Here are some pictures Steve took of me today as I was working on the piece. (It's really great to have a photographer as a spouse. . .) I'm almost done with the carving. After this I need to do some sanding, bleaching, and then I have to decide about whether I'm going to do some sandblasting.


The design motif is a cellular pattern. I don't have a title as of yet.


The detail carving is what takes the most time. Each cell is carved to a wall thickness of about 1/32" or less.


My hands start to hurt after about 4 hours of work, but I've been keeping at it to the tune of 6 hours per weekend day. I've not had the spare time in the evenings for the past few months, so this is taking me much longer than I had originally planned for the project.

Early progress pics can be seen here: progress pics album

Stay tuned - more pics to come.

1 comment:

donnaturns said...

Love seeing your work in progress photos. I look forward to seeing the final piece.

And I really love your B&W photos. That was my hobby in the 70's and long before I discovered woodturning. You're very lucky to have someone who knows more than a little about photography, and specifically how to frame a shot. My husband works for Fujifilm USA, but his expertise is in the technology and software. But fortunately, he was much better at building my barn/studio :-)