The 21st Dublin Irish Festival was August 1 - 3, and, as always, it was the best party of the year.
Steve and I have been stage managing the opening session at what used to be the Pub Stage, but is now the Trinity Time Warner Stage. It was bigger and better this year, and there were some fantastic bands performing all weekend long.

The weekend always starts with this dynamic duo - Morton O'Kelly and Eddie Cotter Jr.

Morton and Eddie used to be in a band called Innisheer - 10 or 15 years ago - something like that. Eddie then was in The Gabriel Hounds and then The Kells. Now he lives in another state (Wisconsin, last I heard, but that may have changed), but he comes back for the Dublin Festival each year.

Morton and Eddie have been playing together for so long that they can just have this reunion and it sounds great.

It's always a treat to hear Eddie play, too.

Beth Patterson and Ron Kelly (I think that's his last name, but I might not have that right) arriving early to catch part of O'Kelly and Cotter.

Steve, my co-stage manager for the evening.

Beth Patterson and her bandmates, Ron and Brad.

Craig Markley and Steve Wolfe

Andi Wolfe, Beth Patterson, Steve Wolfe

I snuck away for a few minutes to catch a couple of tunes in the Vishten set on the Dublin Stage.




The main house sound guy and his computer controlled sound board. Pretty cool.


Meanwhile, back at the Trinity Stage, the opening ceremony was starting.

Flags, bagpipe band, check -

Committee chair, check

St. Patrick, check

Ladies AOH - check

More of the Irish community - check

Every social group involved in the festival and the Irish community participates in the opening ceremony and parade.

It gets a bit crowded and chaotic as everyone makes their way to the stage.

The historical reenactors are always fun to watch.

Dublin HS band, too.


Oh, no! I thought bagpipes were loud. . .

Just about there.

Sue Mogan and Beth Patterson, having fun backstage.

OK - now the ceremony can begin. Sue Mogan sang the American national anthem and the Irish national anthem.

This and the next several photos are from Beth Patterson's set with her band, Kalafka.

Beth has a quick wit and great sense of fun - I think she was coming up with a zinger here.

Great opening set, Beth!

After we finished our stage managing, we went over to the session tent and played some tunes.
Steve Wolfe, Stuart Brand, Carol Smith.

Can't remember names here - sorry

Grey Larson on concertina

Randy Clepper and Steve Wolfe

Grey Larsen on flute

We caught a bit of the Ladies of Longford set at the Shamrock pub. This and the next several photos are from that set.

The last act we caught before we headed home for the evening was Step Crew. They had a wonderful production show for this year's festival.

I had the shutter speed set too slow here, but it gives a nice "light painting" effect.

Step crew

More Step Crew. I have pictures from their Saturday show, too, that I'll post soon.
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