Monday, September 20, 2010

South Africa video blog - 1

My first ever video blog - not sure if I want to do this again - seems kind of awkward from this end. You'll have to let me know what you think.


  1. Anniespickns8:20 AM

    Very nice Andi. Can't wait to hear about your field work. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Whitehawk1:06 PM

    Great commentary. Very informative. Video blogging is much better than just pictures. Like this much better than your normal format.Too bad you didn't,or couldn't do this in China..

    Looking forward to your field work conditions video blog.

  3. Really enjoyed this Video Andi, thanks!! Hearing all the birds made me wish I was there with some bino's - beautiful scenery! Looking forward to seeing more of your journey.
