Saturday is another full day at the AAW symposium. Demonstrations galore, walkabouts in the instant gallery and tradeshow, plus the evening banquet and auction. In between all those things are the opportunities for visiting with friends and meeting new people. Part 1 of the Saturday postings is focused on images from the instant gallery.
Harvey Fein is constantly developing new ideas. These pieces are the most complicated of his series to date.
Dewey Garrett received an AAW Excellence Award for this lovely box.
Jon Sauer's ornamental turning received an AAW Excellence Award, also.
Keith Holt
J. Paul Fennell
I don't know who made this one.
(Andy Osborne - thanks for the ID, Don)
I don't know the artist of this one, either.
Ron Fleming studio - I'm not sure if this was done entirely by Ron, or if it involved some of his students as well. I didn't photograph the information sheet. The scale is LARGE!
Detail of the Fleming piece
Detail of the Fleming piece
Detail of Darrell Copeland's red wall sculpture. It's a mosaic of individually turned and textured squares.
Darrell Copeland
Ron Gerton detail
David Nittmann
David Nittmann detail
Peter Exton - this received an AAW Purchase Award.
Rick Argus received an AAW Excellence Award for his lovely bowl.
Jim Keller detail
Bob Rollings
Bill Smith
Bill Smith
Ken Deaner
Malcolm Tibbetts
Malcolm Tibbetts
Bob Rollings
Ed Koenig
Sharon Doughtie
Graeme Priddle
Graeme Priddle
Another AAW Excellence Award winner - Stephen Gleasner
Return to the Community - many of the pieces had already been sold by Saturday morning.
I don't know who these ladies are, but they did a great job of selling off all the Return to the Community projects.
Joel Rakower inspects the EOG auction donations.
Auction donation: Binh Pho
Auction donation: Hans Weissflog
Auction donation: Joyce McCullough
What a pleasant surprise to see Bert Parker at the AAW symposium. Bert is one of my woodturning friends from Capetown, South Africa.
Bert Parker - he brought over a teapot for the instant gallery.
Instant gallery action
Instant Gallery action
The scorched vessel with copper wire and holes is by Andy Osborne. It was 1 of my favorites.
Thanks for the identification!