I took a short road trip up north to see the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with Steve and some friends. It was a birding trip that was quite enjoyable, except for the long drives bookending the Memorial Day weekend. This snapping turtle was spotted at Seney National Wildlife Refuge - an excellent place to bird. In fact, I had at least three life birds there - my grail bird, the American Bittern, Yellow Rail and Swamp sparrow.
There were many, many swans and loons on the lakes and it was just a truly awesome place to visit.
The sunset at Seney National Wildlife Reserve was pretty amazing, too, as were the lady slipper orchids that dotted the roadsides all through the Upper Peninsula.
I have a lot of pictures to process from the trip and will try to post some of the highlights when I have some spare time (she laughs!).
6 June 2010: added Sand Shadows
8 June 2010: added Tahquamenon Falls Trail
first two are STUNNING