Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Central Ohio Woodturners, November 2007

The Central Ohio Woodturners meets on the second Tuesday of the month. The November meeting featured simultaneous demonstrations of small turnings to make for gifts. I arrived to the meeting a bit on the late side - just in time for Barbara Crockett, the club prez, to invite me to do the show-and-tell table. I haven't done that in a long time, so it was kind of fun.

This and the next couple of pictures show most of the turnings on the show-and-tell table.

Walt Betley did a demo on sea urchin Christmas ornaments.

J. R. Beall visited the club to demonstrate his new ornamental pen jig.

It's always great to have J. R. come to a club meeting.

This is his new rig. He had previously made an ornamental attachment for a minilathe. This is a stand alone unit.

One of our club members demonstrated bottle stoppers from a single piece of wood.

Here's Walt Betley turning the icicle for a sea urchin ornament.

Ruth Thomas demonstrating miniature acorn boxes.

Don Lehman demonstrated segmented bottle stoppers.

The beginner's corner was on pen turning.

A view of the members having a good time.

The guy in the center is Dennis. He's blind, but turns some amazing things. This month he had a pepper mill on the show-and-tell table, which he had turned using a skew. He's an amazing guy and it' always a delight to see how he explores a piece by touch. He's examining Ruth's small acorn box in this pic.

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