Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jean-François Escoulen class - Day 2

Today we played with multi-axis turning (two to five centers). I didn't have time to process all my pictures from today when I got home this evening because I had a band practice with Aisling. I'll post a few place-holder pics tonight and update this entry over the weekend.

The first project was between two centers. This was a good exercise to start thinking about how the edges meet in off-center turning. We used mostly our spindle gouges today, but I switched to the bedan to get some cleaner cuts on the poplar. I spent the first part of this morning working with the bedan to remember the motions to make it work. No catches for me today - woohoo!

Merde! Even the master breaks things sometimes. This was a five center turning that Jean-François was working 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1. It broke on about the second "1" in the series.


Here are some of my exercises for today. I really enjoyed playing with the multi-axis turning.

I like this little fellow - reminds me of Jimminy Cricket. This was turned on five centers.


  1. Andi, it looks like you've been having great fun with Jean-François. Thanks for letting us share. The detail shots are wonderfully informative. They give me some useful ideas for those tall thin finials I've been doing recently.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Yes, thanks so much for sharing. These muli axis pieces have inspired some great ideas, and gave me some great pointers.

  3. We had a great time with Jean-François. Stay tuned for more pics and info.
